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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Women for Hire

Women For Hire appreciates the value of networking, whether as a means of support or the ideal way to find your next job, staying connected opens doors to new opportunities and friendships. In this newsletter learn about the power of networking from within your own company, an online social network, or at one of Women For Hire's upcoming events.

* Women For Hire Magazine: What If There Was An Old Girls' Network? By Julie Gilbert
* Get the Most Out of a Career Expo
* Connect with Women For Hire and Inside Edition anchor Deborah Norville
* Partner News: Swapping Places from
* Find Tory Johnson and Women For Hire on Facebook
* New Job Opportunities from H3

What If... There Was An Old Girls' Network

By Julie Gilbert

If there was a new Girl’s Network in place in companies, all things would be different - including the business strategy, growth opportunities, employee engagement, and communities…not just for women, but for men as well. What is required for this to happen is for women to actually support other women.

Let’s look at a typical real life situation that often takes place in companies across the globe, and very likely in your office, with frightening regularity. Think of the last time a woman received a promotion or high-visibility position and the reaction of her female colleagues. Was she overwhelmed with emails from female colleagues congratulating her with a rally of endorsement and support of how she so deserved the past due advancement? Did these women step up and arrange the happy hour to laud this recent achievement?

Or, was this great news met with a deflating silence? Or worse yet, perhaps there were questions and snide comments of “Why did she get that promotion?” or “Who did she know?” The list could go on with negative hypotheses about how she was able to “pull that off” – as if this position were some manipulated conspiracy plan on her part, having no connection to her business outcomes, values and experience. Imagine what could happen if, instead, we came together to support each other’s successes, linked our networks and built massive business opportunities as a result? The notion is not as far fetched as it may sound.

To help quantify this issue and the consequences we all feel, let’s look at the facts. Why is it that an embarrassing number of 10 of the top Fortune 500 CEOs are female, despite the fact that 48 percent of all privately-held firms are at least 50 percent owned by women and between 1997 and 2004, the estimated growth rate in the number of women-owned firms was nearly twice that of all firms? Click here to read more.

Make the Most Out of a Career Expo

Since 80 percent of jobs are found through networking, it's essential for you to get out and sell yourself. Women For Hire events are great opportunities to meet face-to-face with the front-line decision makers at a wide range of top employers from throughout the country. This is the ideal chance to ask questions, sell yourself, and gather valuable information that you wouldn't otherwise be able to obtain.

Thousands of women have secured terrific jobs at Women For Hire events. The next one could be you.

Here are our top tips to help you prepare for a successful day.


Conduct thorough research. Before you arrive, take a look at the list of participating employers and the positions they're recruiting for. Research their products and services, their competitors, and any current news or events they're involved with.

Prepare a 30-second introduction. Many professionals are initially flustered when asked, "Tell me about yourself." Perhaps they feel pressure by being put on the spot; other times they're simply overwhelmed about the job search process. Since you'll no doubt be introducing yourself over and over throughout the day, practice your pitch in advance of attending any important event. You only have a few seconds to make a strong first impression, and this easy exercise will minimize shyness.


Arrive dressed for success. Dress as if you were going to an interview. This may be a polished suit or well-coordinated separates, depending on your own sense of style.

Always get a name. Not every recruiter will want to hand out hundreds of business cards; however all recruiters wear name tags. If you jot down the person's name and their company name, you can always track them down to follow up with a phone call or an email.

Talk to other women. Networking is your best source of new job leads. With hundreds of other smart women surrounding you, be sure to introduce yourself and strike up conversations.

Click here for more valuable tips to succeed at a career expo.

You're Invited....
For an Afternoon of Thanks and Friendship

The Women For Hire Foundation invites you to join CEO Tory Johnson for an afternoon of thanks and friendship as she welcomes the smart, funny and talented Deborah Norville, anchor of Inside Edition and author of the all-new Thank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work For You.

Don't miss the chance to celebrate one of the gifts we're most thankful for -- our personal and professional friendships with other women. Join us for an inspiring discussion and networking event, receive a signed copy of Thank You Power ($19.99 retail value) and enjoy coffee and sweets after the session.

It's a great way to thank a colleague or friend for all she's done to support you.

November 27, 2007
4pm - 6pm

Rockefeller University
Caspary Auditorium
1230 York Ave. at 66th Street
New York, NY 10065

Ticket: Click here for more information and to purchase your ticket online or call 212-580-6100. Cost is $38 per ticket OR two tickets for $68.

Partner News

Swapping Places from

There's no question about it: moving is stressful. But it's also an opportunity to try something new-in a brand new place. Swapping Places, brought to you by, includes guides for professionals to 14 great cities across the US. Whether you're relocating for a job, or moving someplace new after college or grad school, you'll want to see which industries are hot, who's hiring, and where people hang out. Take a look at Swapping Places!

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